Sunday, January 12, 2014

Moogly Afghan CAL - Block #1

As I announced earlier in the week, at least one of the Housewives will be participating in the Afghan Crochet-Along being hosted throughout the year Moogly

The first thing I had to determine before starting anything was the color palette I want to use.  Since I rarely make anything for myself, I decided to make it in colors to match our master bedroom - that means I'll be working with various shades of teal blue, cream, and brown.  (I honestly can't even tell you what brands or shades I'm starting with because I've had them put up for another project I was going to do for the bedroom.)

I sat down between Friday night and throughout the day on Saturday and worked up the first square for the CAL.  The Anticipation Mystery block by Margaret MacInnis was the first blog to be introduced for the CAL.  Here's how it turned out:

This is probably one of the most difficult patterns I've ever worked, but I love the final product.  I haven't blocked before, but I know it's going to be necessary for this project!  Are you participating in the Moogly Afghan CAL?  Send us your photos and we'll share them on the blog!!

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